FIRST-TEAM boss Ian Hutchinson has hailed George Rolls as the saviour of Weymouth Football Club.

The Terras’ chairman fired Hutchinson in January, only to re-appoint the popular 37-year-old just two months later, and it appears now that their topsy-turvy relationship has materialised into mutual admiration.

Rolls stopped the ailing club from folding by setting up a CVA agreement earlier this year and since then, with the backing of several associate directors and the Weymouth FC Supporters Association, has helped the club begin trading again on an even keel.

And Hutchinson believes such an achievement should not be underestimated considering the club was on the verge of crashing into oblivion just nine months ago.

He said: “I want to give my full backing to the chairman. First time around it was well documented that we did not have the most fruitful of relationships but that has come and gone. I have now come back in and I can only speak as I find and he has been superb to be fair.

“There is a lot of sniping going on at the moment but from my point of view we have a very good working relationship and he is the reason why the Football club has survived.

“It is going to take years for the club to get back to normal but it is now standing on its own two feet again, which is no mean feat.

“It now needs stability right through from top to bottom and that is exactly what George is trying to achieve. He has been very loyal to me since I came back, along with associate directors Mark Coleman, Simon Etherington and William Ronald, and the Weymouth FC Supporters Association, who all work together very well and are trying to do their best for the football club.”

Hutchinson went on to add: “George is a young businessman but he is also a family man, and the fact that he put that sportsman dinner on last week, which made a lot of money for the club with no financial gain for him personally, proves his intentions.

“I know he has his critics but people should get to know him first because underneath he is a decent bloke.”