AN approach to take over Weymouth FC has been quashed by George Rolls.

In an exclusive interview with Echosport, the Terras’ chairman revealed he has held talks with potential suitors but will only relinquish control of the club if shareholders and fans begin losing faith in him.

Rolls said: “There is always going to be people out there who think they can do a better job and I have had a couple of people approach me about taking the football club over.

“But no disrespect to anyone, where were they last November when the club really needed them? No one came forward with the cash then so I take no notice of these people really.

“I think everyone can see what a good job we have done since we took over. We got the CVA approved and the club is finally standing on its own two feet, so it is no surprise that others now want to get involved now all the hard work has been done.

“Consortiums wanting to take over always happens at football clubs but it will only be when the fans and the shareholders come to me and say we do not want you anymore that the day will come when I go. I will certainly not just let someone come in and pay two bob for the club and take over.”

Rolls went on to add: “I don’t want to sound arrogant but I know how to run a football club.

“Of course people won’t be happy with every decision that is made but the fact the club is now physically breaking even on its own is something that many fans would not have thought possible a couple of years ago.

“We have been running costs down to realistic figures and our first-team manager Ian Hutchinson understands that. He also understands that we still need to make sure each month that we do not overspend.

“But if fans carry on turning up in their numbers to games then there may well be a chance where we will be able to increase the budget. So all I can ask of the people of Weymouth is that they keep getting behind the club.

“It might take us time to get back to playing at a better standard but with their support we will certainly get there quicker.”

As part of board’s cost cutting, Gary Calder has left his role as club secretary. Rolls said: “Gary has done a fantastic job for me since we took over and he was doing the job for a price where the club was getting real value for money.

“However, we have recently taken on a commercial manager and it comes down to pure finances that we cannot afford to have two full-time employees.

“Gary and I had a long chat a couple of months ago about the situation and we agreed then that he would stay until the end of August. So, his departure has not come out of the blue and there is nothing sinister in it at all.”