YORKSHIRE angler Andrea Thomas celebrated her holiday in the area by capturing a record-breaking bass at Grove Point, Portland.

Fishing aboard charter boat Wild Frontier alongside skipper Clem Carter, the Settle resident baited with fillet of mackerel on a flowing trace hoping to catch conger or bull huss.

However, when the rod bent double, Carter was forced to fight for her catch, which surfaced as a truly magnificent bass. Once successfully netted and weighed the fish thumped the scales down to 15lb 3oz, which was large enough to be a record in many clubs around the country.

Bream fishing continues to improve with cracking specimens up to 4lb being landed. Hot spots are the Mussel Beds and the back of the Shambles Bank although here the really big fish are being caught on strong running tides.

Bass fishing is spasmodic but the fish are in the race and on the edge of the bank. Many of these shoal fish are not large and remember the MAAF size is 42cm and anything less must be returned.

The Weymouth Open Conger competition gets underway today, and carries on until Friday, with all anglers able to pick up entry forms at local tackle shops.

Skippers expect fish of 70lb to 100lb to be landed, with only the very largest, with prospects of winning, being retained while all others are returned.