SIX members of BustinSkin proved their mettle at the UK Ironman in Bolton.

Andy Sloan, Ricky Greaney, Pete Hubbard, Alison Walker, Rich Orme and Chris Weeks represented the Weymouth-based club with each competitor either achieving a personal best or making their Ironman debut in the 2.4-mile swim, 112-mile bike ride and 26.2mile-run discipline.

Sloan, Greaney and Hubbard were placed in the top 250 of the 1,000-plus finishers. And the former, who came an impressive 147th, said: “It was pretty tough but you’ve just got to keep plugging away.

“There are hard bits in the race but you’ve just got to push yourself.

“I did the Nice triathlon about five weeks before, which meant I didn’t have long enough to recover, so I’m happy with where I placed. However, I’m looking to go faster next time.”

Of his team-mates’ efforts, Sloan added: “I was made up for them. They all did really well as for most of them it was their first time.

“Rich has competed in a triathlon before but missed the cut off point on the bike transition. However, this year he did it with time to spare.”


Andy Sloan 11hrs 22mins 38secs, 147th

Ricky Greaney 11hrs 37mins 39secs, 203rd

Pete Hubbard 11hrs 46mins 14secs, 236th

Chris Weeks 12hrs 16mins 15secs, 340th

Alison Walker 14hrs 17mins 29secs, 818th

Rich Orme 15hrs 49mins 30secs, 1,020th