Maiden Newton Runners will celebrate its 25th anniversary on Saturday by hosting the NewTen Madness 10k.

The event, in its sixth year, will start at 7pm at Maiden Newton Youth Centre and around 150 athletes are expected to take part.

Club chairman Phil England said: “Four local guys, inspired by the Run The World event set up by Sir Bob Geldof, formed the club in 1985 and it has always had a strong emphasis on being a very sociable organisation.

“However, with founder members getting sub three-hour marathon times, it has to be said they must have taken their running seriously as well at some point.

“Membership has gone up and down over the years but during the mid-to-late 1990s the club did reach a point where the non-running members well outnumbered the runners.

“Over the last five to 10 years the club has really begun to find its feet again, membership has grown and the club now holds regular social runs, as well as competing in most local events as well as others further afield.

“Then, in 2005, we held our first UKA permitted event to celebrate the club’s 20th anniversary. Five years on, and the Maiden NewTen Madness 10k is set to go ahead for the sixth time on Saturday.

“The event attracts around 150 runners of all abilities and has gained a reputation as being one of the friendliest events in the area, attracting runners from all over.

“Last year, we had an American lady take part, who was visiting London and somehow saw our event advertised. She took the train down to Dorchester and then a taxi to Maiden Newton.

“Needless to say the new trainers she had started in collected a fair amount of Dorset mud by the time she finished but nevertheless she thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience.

“The event has raised more than £2,000 for local groups and charities, and this year we are supporting Sustrans with their project to re-open the Bridport to Maiden Newton disused rail line as a cycle/footpath.”

England went on to add: “Back in June, the club held a 25k team event to also mark the milestone of the club’s anniversary. Teams of four took part and they were all issued with route notes.

“The idea was for the quartets to stick together, navigate the mainly off-road route and cross the finish line as a team.

“Out of the six complete teams that took part it was only the last team who had not split up in some part but unfortunately they approached the finish from completely the wrong direction.

“That said, everyone enjoyed the afternoon despite the unusually high temperatures, which left runners lying in rivers along the route to cool off.

“A large spread of cakes as well as a few drinks in the local pub ensured the day ended well.”

For more details about Maiden Newton Runners and the NewTen Madness 10k, contact England on 01300 320478 or 07836330273.