WELLWORTHY secured the Premiership title in style after beating Poole Park, 10-0.

The Weymouth side travelled to Poole Park knowing that four points would be good enough to take the crown.

The visitors’ first rink of John Always, Alan Jones, David Hanger and skip Tony Sargent, got off to a excellent start and by the 11th end they were six shots ahead, leading 11-5 against Poole’s D Atwell, N Dames, S Stephens and skip B Atkins.

With the last seven ends finishing level, Sargent’s rink came out on top by four shots, winning 16-12.

Wellworthy’s second rink of Barry Adam, Graham Reed, Joe Wahnon and skip Stewert Reed dropped three shots in the first two ends to Poole’s W Shylovelin, J Jones, P Ravelin and skip C Weekes, but Reed’s rink upped their game and by end 12 had forged ahead 19-5.

Poole took the next two ends but Wellwor-thy held steady to take the second rink 25-10.

This left captain Graham Parker’s rink of Roy Burnett, Maurice Haylock and skip Ryan Stone to try to finish the job in style and by end four they had scored eight unanswered shots against A Blaby, J Smith, P Spetch, and skip P Willats.

Poole did hit back on the fifth end with four shots followed by a further three on end seven but Stones’ rink were determined to end the season in style and did so by winning 25-16.

A delighted Parker said after the match: “It was a great feeling to win the title after going so close so many times.

“I think the win was down to the great camaraderie and close team spirit that our club have enjoyed.”