A round up of netball fixtures from Monday, September 16 in the South and West Dorset Netball League.

The Veterans Hub 39

Buglers 30

Buglers started strong although Veterans fought hard to move the ball up the court.  Buglers GS Emily England and GA Kat Frampton had great movement in the circle despite strong defence from Veterans.  Veterans WA Caroline Goode made great interceptions to turn the ball over and both teams fought hard for the ball

Veterans fight to keep the lead with quick passes and movement and encouragement from their C Emma Bright.  Buglers kept up the defensive pressure making Veterans shooters work hard. 

Buglers brought on Grace Bourne who made a difference in attack.  Veterans GA Rachel Marsden worked hard in the circle creating space and fighting for the ball.  Both teams worked hard throughout

Veterans defence working as a team to get turnovers whilst Buglers GA Kat Frampton worked the ball around the circle to create space to shoot.  Veterans made small quick passes up to their shooters who scored the goals.  Great game play from both teams with Veterans taking the win

First Fit Windows 47

Zest 24

First Fit started off strong with their WA Hayley Stanton consistently feeding into the shooters.  First Fit’s GD Becca Chance worked hard in defence deflecting balls away from the shooters.  Zest fought back but First Fit ended the quarter with a 6 goal lead

First Fit kept up the pressure to extend their lead although Zest’s GK Lyndsey Pollard intercepting the ball from the shooters. 

Good defending from First Fit’s GK Amy Webb made it hard for Zest’s shooters although GA Nola Smith’s enthusiasm lifting her team despite trailing in goals. 

Zest’s GD Annabel Bartlett made some good interceptions for her team.  First Fit’s C Sandra Firth positioned herself well around the court making it easy to be free for passed if needed.  Both teams played a good game although it was First Fit who took the win

Dream Digital 13

Artifex Sirens 73

Good start for Sirens although Dream’s WD Louise Cosgrove made some good interceptions and Dream worked well as a team through the court.  Dream’s WA Scarlett Me-In made good feeds into the shooting circle although Sirens were quick with the getting the rebounds.

Dream made some changes to their defence with their GK Hayley Walker gaining some good rebounds.  Dream’s C Emily Hardwick made some great interceptions although Sirens worked the ball down the court and their GS Kate O’Shaughnessy made some great shots extending her teams lead

Sirens made changes in this quarter and the fresh legs helped as they moved the ball down the court for quick goals.  Dream tried to gain on Sirens but they led by a comfortable margin at the end of the quarter

Dream made a great start with a fantastic long shot from their GS Julie Bell, this was quickly followed by a second goal from their GA Bekii Oliphant.  Dream worked the ball well round the court but Sirens took the lead by a large difference

Artifex Krakens 32

Team Waikiki 49

Krakens started off strong and took an early lead.  Waikiki fought back with some very fast centre court play.  Krakens C Sue Stevens made great space and great interceptions were made by Waikiki’s GD Hannah Rees

Waikiki took the lead with some lovely strong passes throughout the court.  Krakens fought back with excellent shooting from GA Emma Gardner although Waikiki’s GA Hayley Rooks match each shot. 

Excellent interceptions from Waikiki and fast play throughout made this quarter intense.  Krakens brought on Millie Hyde as GS who moved well around the shooting circle although good defence from Waikiki’s GK Sophie Thomas made the GS work hard

Waikiki started the last quarter strong with some excellent interceptions from WA Emily Peacock.  Krakens GK Chloe Calton put up a strong defence and made some good interceptions and their GS Ali Britten made some excellent shots but it was Waikiki who took the win