It was a case of new season same result as Dorchester once more lost by a single score.

The visitors dominated the early exchanges but Dorchester held firm conceding only a single penalty goal in the first quarter.

In a rare visit to the Melksham half, fullback Kieron Fry chased down a clever chip ahead and touched down in the right corner.

Two further penalties for the visitors saw the lead change hands again before a break in midfield saw Steve Tucker feed winger Tristan Walters to score under the posts for Dorchester.

Rob Parker added the extras for a three point league.

The hosts were unable to hold onto the lead, with the visitors crossing for their first try on the stroke of half time.

Melksham struck first in the second half, with a converted try before Dorchester hit back with two tries in a ten minute spell.

Firstly Sam Lambourn spotted a gap close to a ruck to go over the line, before Callum King powered over the whitewash with Parker converting both tries.

With ten minutes left on the clock the visitors managed to create an overlap on their left wing to level the scores which was duly converted to edge them in front - ultimately the difference between the two sides.