The summer cruising for Weymouth and Portland Cruising Association (WPCA) members has been a mixture of gentle cruising, sitting out bad weather, short local sails or staying in home berths. 

The West Country cruise went ahead and Mark and Julie Howells in Elemental reached the Isles of Scilly where they enjoyed sunshine and settled weather.

The Brittany and Channel Islands cruise followed on with Chris and Alison Bell in La Sorciere leading the way visiting Carteret, Jersey and Guernsey.  Also in the Channel Islands are Andrew and Linda Care in their motorboat Zephyros.  

Back at home the weather deterred boats from taking part in the annual beach BBQ in Mupe Bay but three boats enjoyed a brisk sail there and back. 

Two boats, Iona and Aquilo anchored for lunch in the bay which was sheltered from the wind but  Border Reiver decided to head straight back to Weymouth. After lunch and a swim for one member both boats had a close reach back home.

Plans are now in place for the club’s winter talks programme which starts in October and the Committee have put together some interesting speakers for the season.  Details will be published on the Club website and Facebook page nearer the time.