Came Down Golf Club has hosted its annual Ladies Invitation Meeting at its course in Dorchester.

The ladies of the club each invite a guest from another club to play the club's course in the annual competition.

The weather was glorious and there were some really good scores returned during the day's play with the course in immaculate condition thanks to the hard work of the club's green staff.  

The winning team on the day, with 85 points, included Jill Adams, Monica Peach, Di Loving and Sally Davis, both from Weymouth Golf Club.

The runners up, with 80 points were CW, Jan Steadman, Laura Webb and Sharon Rand (Weymouth) and in 3rd place Gill Smith, Jackie Fuggle, Angela Gascoigne (Weymouth) & Sue Pride (Isle of Purbeck) were close behind with 79 points.

Nearest the pin on the 10th for the visitors was Sue Pride and home player Sheila Vogwell.

Other results included the Jubilee Salver won by Monica Peach, the Birch Cup Foursomes won by Rosalie Steel and Jenny Feely, the Granny’s Cup won by Shirley Hale, the Non-Granny’s Trophy won by Sarah Wharmby, the Medal by Elsie Clark, Division I won by Jenny Feely with Division II won by Rosalie Steel and Division III by Carolyn Pike.

