AS YOU might have seen two weeks ago, we’ve begun a series of new articles exploring the various volunteers at Weymouth Football Club.

As everyone knows, volunteers are the lifeblood of non-league football clubs up and down the country.

This week the spotlight shines on Claire Pavey, a volunteer of more than three years at the club who is also one of the Terras’ most dedicated fans.

Pavey turns up week in, week out, home and away together with a significant role on matchday at the Bob Lucas Stadium.

READ MORE: Meet Weymouth's unsung heroes - Pete Green

Of course, the Pavey name is long associated with the Terras (more on that later) but we sat down with Claire to find out more about her work at the claret and blues.

NW: Can you explain more about your role at Weymouth?

CP: I have recently been appointed as the Volunteer Coordinator at the Bob Lucas Stadium. This position was newly created to bring more structure to the very important voluntary roles at the club. My responsibilities are to ensure we have enough volunteers to help facilitate the smooth running of matchday operations and for organising our kiosks. Amongst other things I am on the board of the Supporters’ Association and help run the Travel Club who both arrange fundraising events for the club, such as our regular quiz nights and bingo. I love my time volunteering at the club. I feel like we have such a great ‘club family’ of volunteers and staff, so yes it is enjoyable.

NW: How tricky is it to combine your day-to-day life, with work and volunteering at Weymouth?

CP: Juggling all my commitments has been hard at times but having been a part of the Wilko’s & Terras Family I have always felt this gave me that support to help me fulfil all of them. Having recently been made redundant from Wilko I seem to have a bit more time on my hands which means less juggling and more time doing the things I enjoy at Weymouth.

NW: Your relatives are heavily involved at the club, with Pete running the Travel Club, is the family aspect part of the bond Weymouth has with its supporters?

CP: As stated earlier the club as a whole feels like a family and this is a very important aspect that draws me and others to the club. Having actual family ties who are also involved at the club is a special bonus as we get to enjoy working together to help support our boys in claret and blue, yellow at times.

NW: Why do you think volunteering is important for the club?

CP: As with all community-based clubs, volunteering is not only massively important it’s a necessity. The club would not be able to fully function without the support of its wonderful volunteers who go above and beyond to offer that vital support to the club.

NW: How long have you been a Weymouth supporter?

CP: I am not exactly sure on how long but I remember going to The Old Rec with my dad and grandad when I was a little girl, so definitely pre-1987. With my grandad, I attended the open day of the brand new Wessex Stadium as it was known back then and remember being given a Willy Gibson name badge. My love for the Terras has become stronger and stronger as the years have gone by, having more involvement over the recent years it has cemented in me that I’m Weymouth until I die.

NW: What message of encouragement would you give to anyone who’s thought about volunteering at Weymouth, but not got round to it?

CP: If anyone has any time that they can spare then we would love to welcome them to our diverse family of volunteers. We welcome anyone of all abilities who has little or lots of time to give, there is always something to do match day and non matchdays. So change that thought into an action and e-mail for more information or pop along to our next volunteers open day at the Bob Lucas Stadium on Monday, November 6 between 10am and 4pm to say hello.

NW: How far up the table do you see Weymouth finishing this season?

CP: I will be out there for every match showing Bobby and the boys my full support and feel positive they can finish in the top half of the table this season. Come on you Terras!