GET ready to lace up your boots, strap on your shoes or slip on your wellies for Dorset Wildlife Trust’s annual Walk For Wildlife on September 23.

This year their fantastic trio of walks returns to the Isle of Purbeck to celebrate some of Dorset’s most scenic views and iconic wildlife.

Dorset Wildlife Trust’s popular Walk For Wildlife has been running for 15 years and attracts participants from all walks of life, from hardened ramblers, to families with toddlers, and even canine companions have got in on the action.

This year’s walk boasts three routes consisting of either six, 12, or 22 miles, as well as a newly added mountain biker route for those who love the rush of adrenaline combined with wildlife watching.

The six-mile route will also entail two guided wildlife walks.

Fiona Sansom, Dorset Wildlife Trust’s supporter development officer said “Walk For Wildlife is a fantastic event and has always proved popular with our supporters.

“The aim of this event is to encourage people to get out and enjoy the stunning scenery in their local area, as well as hopefully seeing some spectacular wildlife on the way.

“Some people even get sponsored for their walk, especially if they are taking on the 22 mile route which is an adventure in itself. You can even download a sponsorship form for your dog.

“All three routes cross some of Dorset most beautiful coastal paths along the Isle of Purbeck, so you are going to see some beautiful views whichever you choose.”

Walk for Wildlife has raised £50,000 in the past for Dorset Wildlife Trust, and has had over 3000 participants.

Wildlife such as peregrine falcons, hummingbird hawkmoths and even dolphins has been spotted.

Each route will pass through Durlston Country Park and past Anvil Point Lighthouse. There will then be a part of the beautiful coastline to explore that will extend to Dancing Ledge for the six mile route, St Aldhems Head for the 12 mile route and Kimmeridge Bay for the 22 mile route.

Walk for Wildlife is on Sunday, September 23 and has six routes – easy at six miles, moderate at 12 miles, and hard at 22 miles.

Register by August 31 for early bird registration rates. To find out more and register your place visit or call 01305 264620.