AN AWARD-WINNING female choir will join the Casterbridge Male Voice Choir for a performance in Weymouth.

The Stithian Ladies Choir from Cornwall will join the local choir at St Aldhelm's Church, Weymouth on Saturday, May 31.

A spokesman for the ladies choir said it was founded in 1966 by the then choir master and organist at Penmennor Methodist Church, Stithians.

The choir, which won 10 awards last year at music fetsivals around the West country, now has a membership of 38.

As well as conventional performances, the ladies choir has sung 300 feet below ground in the past in cavern three at Wookey Hole, Somerset.

The choir's musical director, Elaine Tangye, used to work with the Kernow Male Voice Choir and has conducted them at a performance at the Sydney Opera House.

Contact St Aldhelm's Church, Weymouth, for more information on the forthcoming performance.