A LIFT that does not like sea air is just one of the problems still plaguing the £1.32 million Marine Parade Shelters a year after they were opened.

Lyme Regis Town Councillors are demanding a written report from project co-ordinator David Gale to explain the major problems still facing the flagship development.

Members of the operational management committee meeting were shocked to learn that the lift was having electrical problems because it was unable to cope with seaside conditions.

Committee chairman Coun Chris Clipson said: “We are still suffering with micro switches, which are safety devises on the lift. Whenever it is not used very often and there is a sea mist you are likely to get failure on micro switches.”

Coun Terry O’Grady said: “I am absolutely staggered that this wasn’t thought about before the lift was put in.”

Coun George Symonds said the council had paid a great deal of money to consultants and surely this was a problem that should not have arisen.

He said: “That lift was always going to be by the sea.”

Councillors said Mr Gale had been paid £16,000 to project manage the development and they wanted to see a report on problems that still existed. Town clerk Mike Lewis said the council was withholding £30,000 until the issue was resolved.