CHILDREN at a Weymouth school had a special visit from the Bishop of Sherborne as they unveiled their new Trust Garden.

Dr Graham Kings officially opened the garden at St John’s CE Primary School, which is based on the theme of trust and the school logo of St John and the disciples catching fish on Lake Galilee.

The area will be used by the children for play and quiet time.

Each pupil painted a fish cut in the shape of a tilapia fish, or St Peter’s fish, and 153 of them were attached to the net representing the number of fish the disciples caught.

The rest of the fish are attached to the shelter and can be seen ‘swimming’ towards the boat.

The fish are painted with images of Weymouth and the Jurassic Coast, pictures celebrating the school’s links with a Kenyan school, and ideas from the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Symbols of the school’s Golden Rules, Christian symbols, weather, shapes, flags of the world, Fairtrade and the Olympics are also featured.

The Bishop was pleased to open the garden and said he ‘enjoyed walking on water’ as he crossed the area representing the lake.

Headteacher Diana Mason said: “The Trust Garden is a lovely addition to the school.

“The whole school community of children, parents, governors and staff have been involved in creating it.

“It will remind all of us about trusting in God and having faith.

“Trust is the third of our special outside areas for reflection.

“We have already used Portland stone carved into the shapes of lions for our Courage area, and a wooden seat around a tree depicts Peace.

“Plans are already in place for the next area, Hope.”

The garden also features plants which can be found around Lake Galilee.

The children will be able to enjoy the scents and textures of plants they read about in the Bible and watch olives and other things grow and develop.

Some of the plants will be used in cooking throughout the school.