I am utterly disgusted and cannot express my anger enough at the proposed travellers site next to our village.

I will fight against this with all my heart and will seek financial compensation through legal action if it is to go ahead. I will also cease to pay any council tax.

Due to cuts my child cannot get a seat on the school bus along with many others. How can money be allocated to provide a “bridge” over the by-pass for the safety of the travellers while my child cannot get to school.

I am also offended at the photographed senior ranking police officer condoning these sites. This is not how the police should react. The police should remain impartial and not have a publicised opinion in matters as sensitive as these.

I did not move here to be close to a travellers site. Had it already been here, I would never have considered it.

RESIDENT, West Stafford, (Name and address supplied)