A HAPPY couple have welcomed a ‘fantastic’ baby girl into their family.

Wyke Regis couple Shauna Monks, 30, and Andy Gray, 42, who owns AP Cars on Lynch Lane, welcomed Rose Madeleine Gray into their lives on July 20.

She was born at 6.35am weighing 6lbs and 11oz at Dorset County Hospital.

Rose is a baby sister for the couple’s daughter Molly Gray, who is two years and nine months old.

Proud mum Shauna said: “Rose is doing really well.

“She’s fantastic. She’s a very good, very contented baby.

“She sleeps on and off and she is eating well – she’s a hungry baby.”

She added that Molly and Rose were getting on really well.

She said: “Molly absolutely loves her. She tries to help out with her.”

The couple would like to give a big thank you to both of their families for their help and support and a special thank you to all the midwives at the hospital.