Yesterday afternoon I was greeted not only with the semi-permanent sign advising motorists to use Littlemoor Road to avoid the impassable Esplanade but an amibiguous new sign telling us Littlemoor Road will be closed from 6am on June 16 ‘for three days’. How long?

Well done DCC, yet again! Two key roads blocked and no proper information. No telling us the closure boundaries or if it applies to pedestrians and cyclists as well as motor vehicles.

Nothing explains access to the school, garden centre, shops, church and library – let alone hundreds of homes.

No advice on alternative routes (the Esplanade and Chickerell perhaps?). Perhaps this year’s carnival could see a special revival of The Echo’s ‘Distorter’ on the roadworks saga alone.

I will believe three days when I see it. I am told by a friend in the know that the Littlemoor Road section of the relief road is being built to plan, but it has taken over a year so far, of award-winning haphazardness.

I appreciate it has suffered bad weather delays, and that making the utilities work cohesively and coherently is like herding cats in fog, but one might imagine building a short road to be a simple, linear process.

Forget the so-called Olympics (a few weeks of dinghy sailing, that’s all) with their special traffic lights for the corporate hospitality hangers-on. Start to have some consideration for us local residents and business owners – at least give us proper information.

Nigel Graham, Kestrel View, Weymouth