WHAT a legacy. I have noticed that hardly a day goes by that there is not a mention of the road fiasco in Weymouth and all the disruption it is causing.

Residents are sick to the back teeth with the mere mention of the word Olympics.

What an awful legacy they are imposing on the people of Weymouth and Portland.

What with the absolute eyesore of the officers field ghetto that is going to be left for the people of Portland and what good are these tiny little houses going to be?

Just the other day I was driving past this development when I thought of the old Pete Seeger folk song which went ‘Little boxes on a hillside, little boxes made of ticky tacky, little boxes little boxes and they all look just the same’.

Yes I thought as I drove up over the hill thats just what they are.

While I’m on the subject of roadworks, the contractors working on the Wide Street job certainly wouldn’t win any awards for getting a job done speedily.

If temporary traffic lights could grow roots these would take some shifting by now

Jeff peaple, Reap Lane, Portland