Well, that’s okay then. Accordng to a comment from Dorset County Council there was an unusually long delay on Buxton Road and Rodwell Road on ‘one particular day.’ Well if they are being serious they will do something to alleviate this situation, because it is not just one day, it is every day.

As for the Asda junction; the so-called planners should hang their heads in shame; what a shambles this has turned out to be.

Put back the left turns into Wyke Road and Chickerell Road - this will alleviate the situation somewhat, as well the planners know.

Take out the nonsensical traffic lights by the Rodwell Inn and Wyke Road because they are totally unnecessary and contribute to the ever-longer queues of traffic.

Never mind about the Olympics, these are only a temporary inconvenience for most of the general population who, in my opinion, would rather watch paint dry than look at a speck on the horizon.

If the road planners had any gumption about them they should hold up their hands and admit the ‘improvements’ to the Buxton Road/Rodwell Road/Boot Hill/Asda junctions, at great expense, are a total failure and lead only to more pollution than there was before. Ridiculous.

John Clarke, Benville Road, Weymouth