I could not believe that yet again another beloved pet has been killed by an out of control dog and, as far as I am concerned, out of control owners.

Why are the owners not automatically fined and the dog seized and destroyed?

Radical you may think and possibly heavy handed, but if a dog is capable of killing another dog it will do it again and may possibly attack a human.

Both my dogs are permanently muzzled, one through aggression and one with hyperactivity and lead chewing.

I don’t care anymore about the looks we get when I am out.

I don’t consider myself cruel in any way, it keeps the hyper dog calmer and the aggressive dog cannot bite. I cannot comprehend how distraught that poor lady must be and my heart goes out to her. It is time to stop pussyfooting around deciding if it is a dog warden matter or police matter.

Poor Lennox was recently destroyed when he had not done any harm to anyone.

Attack and kill another dog – your dog will be destroyed and you face a heavy fine.

If you doubt your dogs behaviour, don’t risk it – muzzle it.

As the meercats say – simples.

Don’t let this tragedy happen yet again.

Samantha Howe, Cobham Drive, Weymouth