A NEW free drop-in service for people who need help to resolve their disagreements is being offered in Dorchester from Wednesday.

Mediation Dorset is a county-wide charity which was established in 1994 to support individuals, families, neighbours, groups, or organisations in dispute.

The service aims to offer help to people from all walks of life to resolve their disagreements and it is used by a number statutory organisations including housing authorities, education and local government.

From this Wednesday onwards, the charity, based at the United Church, Dorchester, will be launching a new initiative to give free confidential mediation sessions on the first Wednesday of every month between 11am and 1pm.

Chairman of Mediation Dorset Peter Johnston said: “We are a resource little known to the general public and are keen to make our service more readily available.

“We provide a mediation service for the benefit of anyone who needs help to resolve their differences, but like many charities, we are having to adapt to the difficult economic climate and as such have recently moved to a smaller, more central office based at the United Church in Dorchester.

“We are taking advantage of this move to develop our mediation in several ways including the provision of a drop-in service.

“Anyone interested in finding out whether mediation might help them resolve their difficulties is invited to come to the Church, Charles Street entrance, for a free confidential 15 to 20-minute discussion with a trained and experienced mediator to explore ideas and suggestions for a way forward.

“No appointment is needed – just come along.”

In the past the charity has dealt with disputes about high hedges, nuisance noise and low-level anti-social behaviour, as well as a family who were in disagreement with the local authority about the school placement of a disabled child.

Mr Johnston said the aim of mediation was to get both parties together in a neutral setting and to encourage and guide them towards a solution.

He added: “Mediation Dorset is very grateful to the incoming Mayor Councillor Tess James who has kindly adopted the drop-in service as one of her chosen charities and will be raising money during her mayoral year to help cover the costs of this important project.”

The drop-in service will operate as a six-month pilot scheme and if it clearly meets a need, the frequency or duration of the sessions will be increased and expanded in other towns throughout the county.

All mediators give their time on a voluntary capacity, however a contribution towards administration, venue hire and mediator travel expenses will usually be requested.

To find out more about Mediation Dorset please telephone 01305 257717 or alternatively email info@mediationdorset.co.uk.