AMATEUR dramatic company members are celebrating a ‘much welcome facelift’ to their Portland theatre, thanks to free labour from offenders.

The Royal Manor Theatre in Fortuneswell has undergone extensive re-decorating to improve the look and feel of the building.

And members are particularly delighted that the overhaul hardly cost a penny, thanks to the Dorset Probation Trust’s Community Payback scheme.

The major revamp aims to re-launch the business and entice new members to join their local amateur dramatics group, ahead of the theatre company’s 65th anniversary next year.

Theatre secretary Mike Deadman, along with colleagues Pierre Marquis, Derrick Dawson and Peter Glover, said: “We are delighted to announce our new-look theatre, which has now had a fresh feel given to it, thanks to the work completed by Dorset Probation’s Community Payback team. They’ve worked on the building for several weeks, and have done an amazing job. It was basically free, all we had to pay was a contribution to their expenses.”

He added: “The theatre is staffed entirely by volunteers, including a regular working party on Wednesday afternoons, to keep the building in working order.

“We’re extremely grateful to these people for their time and dedication to keep Portland’s theatre alive. We’re incredibly fortunate to have a theatre on Portland.

“We’re even more fortunate in that we actually own the building.”

The Royal Manor Theatre Company on Portland is now recruiting new members.

From would-be actors and directors to people who would just like to help behind the scenes, everyone is welcome. The company would also like to hear from anyone who has had an enjoyable history with them in years past, but have sadly lost contact.

Former members who would like to rejoin the group will be made very welcome.

Mr Deadman added: “Word of the theatre’s building improvements also reached the ears of Fireco Ltd in Brighton who have kindly donated some ‘Dorgard’ fire door devices.

“They now automatically close in the event of an emergency, thanks to their wireless technology.”

The theatre’s monthly play readings are held on the first Wednesday of every month, unless there is a production running.

For details call Elfrida Strom, on 01305 834120. Anyone wishing to join the Royal Manor Theatre Company can call 01305 834120, visit, or follow the group on Facebook or on Twitter as @rmtcportland.