I cannot agree with Sarah Wilkinson’s interpretation of the recent local election results and her view that this somehow is a basis for overturning the Dorchester council office development scheme decision (Your Say, May 13).

The fact remains that the proposed development was passed well before the local council elections.

If the electorate of West Dorset wished to punish the council, they could have done so with great ease. They did not. Instead, voters returned more Conservative councillors.

Whether these seats were gained at the expense of a split vote between Labour and Lib Dem supporters is, frankly, immaterial – they were gained in a democratic vote.

The answer to Ms Wilkinson’s question is no, because the electorate has spoken.

I trust readers of the Echo read the very informative letter from Mike Keatinge (‘Know Office Facts’, Your Say. May 10) which presented a far more reasoned argument than that given by Ms Wilkinson.

Jo Bowkett, Vespasian Way, Dorchester