I WOULD like to express my contention that the debate/referendum over the voting system is to me a huge insult.

The reasons I say this are, firstly the whole system of AV can only work to the advantage of minority parties, otherwise they wouldn’t support it. So this referendum was called at the behest of a small minority of self-interested people. The same people claim to represent the will of the people.

Now in my work I meet hundreds of people every week, most of them would like a referendum on Europe, I have never heard anyone wishing to change the voting system.

So where is the representation that is proffered in every election speech, I suggest that once again the electorate has been used for the purposes of elected people whose ambition is to create an elite group of oligarchs otherwise the referendum would be on Europe.

Finally we are all told that justice will be seen to be done but has anyone ever been told that it will be done, of course not and the possibility of it ever being so would have been further removed, if the voting system was tampered with.

Maybe we should have written OUT OF EUROPE across the ballot paper.

D SKINNER, Sutton Road, Preston, Weymouth