A spokesperson speaking on behalf of Martin Lobo said that he is co-operating fully with Trading Standards’ investigation and that it would be inappropriate to comment further on the issue of the roof slate and dormer.

He said: “Martin is very, very disappointed and upset that Weyland Construction has reached a point where it has had to go into liquidation.

“After putting thousands of pounds into the business to keep it afloat, he sees it as a catastrophe and worked day and night to avoid that outcome.

“He is extremely sad and very sympathetic about concerns that people have.

“But he has struggled and walked away from the business with a lot of worry and anyone who says that he left Weyland Construction with a lot of money in his pocket is simply untrue.”

He added that Mr Lobo tried his best to find work for the 10-20 sub-contractors he had to cancel jobs for. In a statement he added: “The cost of £30,000 Mr and Mrs Finch are claiming it has cost them to put right the alleged bad works are wildly exaggerated as the Weyland Construction contract to complete works was only £27,750.

“He continues to feel very sorry that he was unable to complete the project and offers an apology to the Finches.”

“He strenuously denies that any workmen fell through the top bay of the window.”

He added that he is satisfied that all contractors apart from the labourers helping them were suitably skilled in completing the roof.