ON SATURDAY I witnessed the behavior of the EDL at the pub on the Esplanade.

There were many families with children around, and as I took a photo I was confronted by an EDL supporter, who wanted to stop me taking photos. I was going to argue with him about freedom of speech but decided as he had obviously had a drink I took the better choice and crossed back over.

I wish to congratulate the police, they were truly out in force, but they marshalled the EDL to the area near the pier bandstand without any further fuss or confrontation.

I know the numbers of police will cost me a fortune in tax but it will be well worth it to stop any violence, or vandalism, especially with so many families and young children in the area.

There will be some critics of the number of police, but they will be damned if they do anything, and damned if they don’t, I just say thank you for keeping us safe.

ESMEE NICHOLLS, Bayard Road Littlemoor