Dorset County Council salt and gritting teams were busy yesterday across the county trying to make sure the main routes stayed open.

Gritting crews used a mixture of 50 per cent grit and 50 per cent salt to cover 680 miles of main roads to try to help drivers get traction on the slippery roads.

Teams went out across the county at 3pm yesterday afternoon and 8pm last night. They were out again at 5am in a bid to reverse the effects of the big freeze overnight.

Since November 1 the gritters have used 1,800 tonnes of salt, which leaves them with 10,200 tonnes – enough for another 25 snowy days this year.

A spokesman for Dorset County Council said: “We are expecting freezing temperatures of down to minus ten degrees in some areas.

“The problem will be if the snow freezes it could become very slippery.”

“Our advice is to only travel if it is absolutely necessary and take great care out there because gritted roads can still have slippery patches.”

Yesterday the gritters were able to fill up Parish council grit bins around the county, which can be sued for villages and rural roads.

Top things to keep in your car: * Blankets to keep you warm if you get stuck.

* Shovel or brush to clear snow.

* Wellington boots or walking shoes.

* Hot drink and snack.