Buckland Newton

  • A CONSERVATION Action Day is being held under the umbrella of the Butterfly Conservation Organisation.

It will take place on Sunday, September 19 at Alners Gorse which is situated on the road from Hazelbury Bryan to Kings Stag.

The day will last from 10am – 4pm and focus on the continuation of woodland and scrub management.

Planking of the larger trees that have been felled will take place and participants will be able to take planks for their own use if they wish.

If the ground is firm enough and the weather amenable there will even be building of nest boxes and bat boxes!

There will be a bonfire with soup and baked potatoes for lunch.

The summer has been fantastic for the reserve with several recordings of rare butterflies.

Recent events have also seen a good turnout of people, even though one moth trapping event was noted for the almost total absence of moths and frost on the tents in the morning!

But they are always brilliant fun so if you would like to participate please check your map for Map Reference ST 736100 or get in touch to find out more.

Nigel Spring is your contact, you can reach him on 01963 23559 or 07981 776767.

Remember that both reserves, Alners Gorse and Lankham Bottom are always open to the public.

Nigel will be equally pleased to hear about any sightings of moths or butterflies there!

  • EDITORS for the Lydden Vale News required!

Do you live in Buckland Newton or one of the surrounding villages?

Then you are probably familiar with the Lydden Vale News – perhaps you would like a new challenge?

The present editors will be doing this task until January 2011, new volunteers are needed before then!

If you are considering being the new editor(s) and would like further information please get in touch with Cathy on 01300 345339.

Sydling St. Nicholas

  • FUN Run: Here is an advance notice of the annual Sydling Fun Run to be noted in your diaries if you fancy participating!

This Anton Walden Memorial Event will take place on Sunday, October 17 this year and the format will be much the same as in previous years.

A 5 km run for those of 13 years and over will be available, comprising of two classes.

Also, a 2 km run for those of 9 years and under and those in the 10 – 12 years range.

Families, elderly participants and anyone else who likes a slower pace have the opportunity to take part in a walk.

More information will be printed in this column nearer the time.

If you have never done the Fun Run, why not give it a try this year – you will support worthy causes and it is also a great social occasion!

  • GARDEN Society: The first indoor meeting of the season will take place on Tuesday, September 14.

Keith Andrews will talk on the subject of “European Wild Orchids”.

Non-members are very welcome to attend this talk against a small payment of £ 1.

It should be a fascinating subject since there are more than 600 species!

If you have any queries or are considering becoming a member of Sydling & District Garden Society please get in touch with its Chairman Alasdair MacLachlan on 01300 341553.

  • SYDLING Springs Pre-School is holding its Annual General Meeting on Thursday, September 16.

It takes place in the Village Hall and starts at 8pm.

Please come along, even if you are familiar with the pre-school, and encourage anyone who you know might be interested to join you!


  • FRANCISCAN Festival: This is a celebration of St. Francis receiving the marks of the crucified Christ.

It takes place on Saturday, September 18 and also offers a chance to get to know the community at Hilfield and learn about their religious lives.

The day starts at noon with a Festal Eucharist in St. Francis Chapel, the afternoon will be spents with questions, discussions and a tour of the premises.

Tea will be served at 4pm, followed by Evening Prayer at 5pm.

Please bring a packed lunch, tea, coffee and cake will be provided.

Piddle Valley

  • A REHEARSAL and Performance Musical Director or Pianist is wanted by The Piddle Valley Players.

They are putting on a Stephen Soidheim production in February 2011 with rehearsals starting now.

Is there anyone who could help with this?

Rehearsals take place Thursday nights from 7pm – 9:15pm.

You will certainly be given a warm welcome and it is hoped that some reimbursement will take place as well.

This fun role could be filled by a student, a retired person or anyone who feels he or she is competent and in need of a rewarding winter activity.

Please call 01300 348758 for more information.