SHOP owners and parishioners claimed they have been left feeling physically sick after their walkway was used as a toilet.

The passage under the steps of Holy Trinity Church on Trinity Street, Weymouth, has been used into an open air latrine after the closure of the nearby public toilets.

Since the facilities were closed two weeks ago people have been urinating and defecating in the walkway next to the doorway into the crypt.

The Rev Richard Franklin said that the situation had become a serious problem.

He said: “It was so bad on Sunday I felt physically sick and that was just from the smell. It’s pretty grim.”

“We have always had a problem but the closure of the toilets has made it much worse.”

He added: “Perhaps there may be a case for closing off the walkway area but then it is a public right of way and it might involve a lot of legislation.”

The walkway is used for the Sunday school children as an access route to the church and if the crypt needs to be accessed by disabled visitors.

Former councillor Peter Rendell wrote to Weymouth and Portland Borough Council to complain and to try and get the area cleaned.

He said: “If you don’t have public toilets, people will go anywhere they can.

“Most people don’t want to but they are really desperate.

“Some people may have an illness which means that they have to plan their day around visits to the public toilets.”

The walkway under the church steps is also used by traders to get to their stock rooms on the other side.

Sales assistant at Weymouth Angling Centre Tom Haigh said: “I try to hold my breath for as long as possible when I have to go thorough there.

“The fact you have to walk past it and through it all, it’s just disgusting.

“Customers have been complaining about it.”

Director of Weymouth Angling Centre Andrew Selby, 49, said that the stench was unacceptable.

He said: “It’s affecting my business because of the smell. It’s a health issue, it’s disgusting.”