CAMPAIGNERS are mustering for a referendum on voting systems to elect MPs.

Members of the Fair Votes For Dorset are gathering for the launch of their campaign for a yes in the national poll on the Alternative Voting system being introduced.

Fair Votes For Dorset chairman Richard Denton-White, who is a member of Portland Town Council, said: “It would be naïve to suggest that there is a perfect system for electing Members of Parliament. Currently more people vote against their MPs than for them.

“The Alternative Vote, while not being proportional, represents significant progress from this.

“It means that MPs will be elected by more than 50 per cent of their electorate.

“It is the time for those who talk the talk of changing our undemocratic political system to walk the walk and actively get behind the campaign for a yes vote, in order to push the door open to eventually achieve fair and proportional elections in this country.”

Fair Votes For Dorset will launch their campaign for a Yes vote at 7.30pm on Thursday, September 9, at the No 10 in East Street, Bridport.

It follows the Government’s announcement to hold a nationwide referendum to replace First Past the Post with the Alternative Vote next May.

The Alternative Vote would give voters a multiple preference ballot in every constituency and require the winning candidate to achieve at least 50 per cent of the vote share in order to win the seat.

Fair Votes For Dorset are additionally keen to recruit new members on the night and raise funds for next year's Referendum Campaign.

Bridport town and district councillor, former South Dorset Lib Dem Parliamentary Candidate Ros Kayes is helping to organise the event.