PENSIONERS are being targeted by pushy doorstep sellers and cold callers.

Dorset Police are warning residents not to pay for any services being offered by salesmen who ring up or turn up at the front door uninvited, after a spate of complaints.

In the latest incidents, the over-80s have being targeted by cold callers trying to pressurise them into buying services or equipment including alarms and carpet cleaning services.

Lucy Hooper, office services manager for Age Concern in Dorchester, is backing the police warning.

She said: “We reiterate what the police are saying in that if people are trying to sell something to them then the answer is no. They are picking on people who they see as vulnerable and an easy target.”

Age Concern in Dorchester gives advice to people to make sure they do not let people into their home unless they are 100 per cent sure of who they are.

They advise people to call the police if they are suspicious of who they have been approached by. Police teams also visit the Age Concern centre in Prince of Wales Road to give advice on cold callers and doorstep sellers.

Ms Hooper added: “Older people grew up when you could trust people and did not have to worry as much as we do now.

“We back up what the police are saying.”

The police have been looking into 14 separate incidents across the county since Monday where ‘high pressure cold calls’ have been made on people’s doorsteps or over the phone.

And the public are being warned that although criminal offences may not take place they should not part with any money or sign up for services ‘on the spot’.

Inspector Caroline Quill, from Dorset Police’s community engagement team, said: “These cold callers seem to be targeting older members of our community who they may believe are more likely to agree to the supply of services or equipment.

“Some of the services appear to be delivered at low initial cost or even no cost but will usually have high maintenance charges attached to contracts.

“If what is offered seems too good to be true, it probably is.

“My advice is simple. Do not agree to pay for any services being offered by a cold caller either over the phone or on your doorstep.”

Insp Quill said if people are uncomfortable with a caller they should hang up the phone or politely close the door.

Dorset Police can be contacted on 01305 222222.