I’m sure I speak for the rest of the population of the Portland and Weymouth area when I say enough is enough.

People are losing too much of their lives sitting in the traffic chaos caused by the ‘Weymouth Traffic Package’.

Who is the person who is in charge? Who will come to the media and explain to the population of the borough why this is happening.

It takes in excess of two hours during the day to get from Dorchester to Portland by bus. It can take in excess of one and a half hours to get from Dorchester to Portland, driving oneself, leaving at 5pm.

Has the extra pollution caused by all these extra vehicle hours been taken into consideration?

The planning for this project is pitiful to put it bluntly – why did it all have to be done at once?

Why did it have to be done in the summer, the busiest time of the year?

What does this chaos transmit to our lifeblood, the visitors?

I may not be a rocket scientist but surely the project could have been addressed in a simpler way, ie one roundabout at a time.

Why remove them anyway – the traffic flow would have been improved just by making them bigger and marking the traffic lanes properly.

Less traffic control is better. This has already been proven in Holland, fewer accidents, better traffic flow, less stress, less pollution, etc.

It is amazing that up till now that there have been no major road rage incidents, or lawsuits regarding loss of business, but I wouldn’t be surprised if these came along in the near future.

Personally, I have been using the Rodwell Avenue and Town Bridge rat-run in the mornings. What muppet ever thought that making that two-way would work?

I notice that the bridge surface is again looking very worn again. No doubt, if we ever get back to some sort of normality, that will have to be closed for weeks again so that we can all watch the inept attempts at resurfacing it (or maybe that starts next week?).

Also, who thought they would be able to stop traffic by just putting signs up at Lynch Lane? What did they think they were going to achieve by stopping traffic using it anyway?

RJ Fullbrook, King Street, Portland