POLICE efforts have been welcomed on Portland after a new pledge promising more action on anti-social behaviour.

Sergeant Neil Wood, head of Portland’s safer neighbourhood team, has written to residents to tell them officers will continue to use the information they provide to carry out patrols at trouble hot spots.

Sgt Wood promises residents that his team will link ‘more effectively’ with the community and update them on police activity on the island.

And he is calling on people to continue to provide as much information on crime and anti-social behaviour as possible.

Residents said that they have seen an increased police presence since the last meeting with police at Easton Methodist church hall on Tuesday, August 24.

Jacqui Redfern, of Wakeham, campaigned for more police when she was a Weymouth and Portland borough councillor.

She said: “They’ve definitely increased patrols because we’ve seen them all. We see police actually out of their cars and actually walking around in Easton.

She added: “I’m quite happy to see more police as when I was a councillor it was something I banged on about all the time.

“I actually pre-empted the situation where I said if we don’t start doing something people will know they can get away with things.”

Mrs Redfern also called for more activities to occupy youngsters before they get involved in crime.

Residents on the island called for more police action at two meetings at the Clifton Hotel this summer after a spate of incidents involving gangs of youths.

Sgt Wood has promised to robustly police the island to tackle a minority group he believes has caused the problems.

In a previous letter to residents, Sgt Wood gave the ages of five teenagers and one man who they had arrested during their patrols on the island.

This included one weekend where 14 officers patrolled the island – including two from the armed response team.

Neil Charlton, Portland town councillor, was among those calling for more police action.

Mr Charlton wants officers to continue to stop off at Easton Square as often as possible as he still hears about trouble breaking out there but he said he is happy that more is being done.

He said: “It’s a lot quieter now and you do see the police cars on the island.”

Mr Charlton is hoping the police will help to set up new pub watch and shop watch schemes and wants the safer neighbourhood team to get to know more islanders.

“But they are doing a lot better than what they were,” he added.

Portland’s safer neighbourhood team can be contacted on 07500 816319.

Pact dates

Portland’s Partners and Communities Together (Pact) scheme is being promoted in Sergeant Neil Wood’s latest letter to islanders.

He said the Pact panel has been set up to identify the issues most important to the community so they can be prioritised and tackled.

Those issues are identified at Pact meetings.

* PACT representatives will be holding ‘street corner’ meetings on the following dates: 14 September, 10am-noon, at Hambro Car Park.

12 October, 12.30pm-2.30pm, at Royal Manor Arts College.

12 October, 3pm-5pm, on Weston Road.

12 October, 6pm-8pm, at Easton Square.

13 October, 3pm-5pm, at Hambro Car Park.

13 October, 6pm-8pm, on Brandy Row.