MOTORISTS face more traffic chaos after it was revealed that Swannery Bridge is to become one way for up to six weeks.

A county council spokesman said the bridge will be open only for eastbound traffic while engineers carry out re-waterproofing works.

But motorists leaving the town centre will be diverted onto The Esplanade and up Dorchester Road to Manor Roundabout and along Weymouth Way.

Traders have hit out at the latest disruption which they claim is having a disastrous effect on business.

The owner of Tans Unlimited in Great George Street, Jeremy Peel-Yates, said he is now considering rallying other business owners in the town to picket Dorset County Council.

He said: “I’m horrified and very, very angry about this.

“I think what needs to happen now is we need to have a physical protest outside County Hall – I think enough traders are angry enough about all these works to do that.

“How are people supposed to get in and out of Weymouth if they can’t access any of the major routes?”

The owner of the Fantastic Sausage Factory, Dennis Spurr, said he will now be asking the county council to contribute to shortfalls in his profits.

He said: “This is ridiculous. If the county council wants to do this, then fine, but I will be asking them to split half of whatever I lose in profits.

“If I’m £100 short on my takings I will be asking them to give me £50 back.

“Weymouth is already a mess without even more road works.”

It has also been announced that temporary three-way traffic lights will be set up at the junction of Littlemoor Road and Louviers Road this weekend due to ongoing work on the relief road.

And from Monday, a one-way system will be in operation on Abbotsbury Road for up to 16-weeks while a water main is repaired.

There will also be three-way temporary traffic lights at the junction of Rodwell Avenue and Rodwell Road from Monday onwards The lights will remain in place until October 5 while Southern Gas Networks replaces a main.

Dorset County Council’s strategic projects manager, Matthew Piles, said: “Swannery Bridge is overdue a new waterproof layer as it was last waterproofed in 1984 during its construction and waterproofing normally lasts 20 to 25 years.

“September is a good time to do the bridge works as it will tie in with the Weymouth Transport Package works on Westham junction as well as being out of school holiday time.”

Mark Perring, the project manager for Hanson, who will also be working on the bridge, added: “We have had to restrict traffic over the bridge for safety reasons.

“Although we have allowed six weeks for the work to be done, as it is weather dependent, we will be aiming to finish it in between three and four weeks.

“We will be working double-shifts and nights where possible to get the job done.

“The only alternative to one-way traffic was to close Swannery Bridge for two weeks, which we felt was not feasible because of the local bus routes.

“We will also be putting ducting in across the King Street end of the bridge and the Westham junction approach to the bridge will be surfaced during the waterproofing works, which will reduce the amount of time temporary signals are needed in these two areas.”

Questions about the Swannery Bridge work can be addressed to the project team by emailing or calling 01305 221000.