MOTORISTS in Weymouth and Portland can expect more traffic misery as Wessex Water begins two major repair projects.

Business owners say they fear for their trade after the water company announced a 16-week repair programme will begin in Abbotsbury Road next month.

Portland residents can also expect major disruption in October when the High Street will be dug up to repair a Victorian sewer.

The Abbotsbury Road works mean the route will become a one-way system temporarily and comes in the wake of continuing gas works on nearby Boot Hill and the borough’s Olympic transport scheme.

Sue Pitman, who has run Florian Guest House in Abbotsbury Road for five years, said she has already seen a drop in her annual takings.

She said: “I would have thought it would be a good idea for them to finish one job first before beginning another.

“This is going to be total chaos. My figures are already way down on this time last year.”

Di Bowles, who has run Gimbletts Hardware for 20 years with her husband Clive, said: “These works mean I won’t be able to sell bags of coal or bottles of gas or paraffin because people won’t be able to stop their cars to load up.”

Locals have also been warned that their water supplies will be turned off at points during the works.

Regarding the Abbotsbury Road works, a Wessex Water spokesman said: “We worked closely with Dorset County Council’s highways department to come up with a way of managing traffic to allow traffic to flow along Abbotsbury Road so the water main can be replaced while not adversely impacting on local businesses.”

Regarding the Portland works, the spokesman said: “Work will take place in High Street following a CCTV investigation which revealed serious defects that could cause a future sewer collapse if left unresolved. The work will involve the closure of High Street from Monday, October 25 to Sunday 31.”

The spokesman said access for High Street residents will be maintained at all times.