STRATTON Volley Ball Club starts its new season at 8pm on Monday, September 6 at Stratton Village Hall.

Tuition will be given to those new to the game. Established players are also welcome for social (but not serious) games. You can warm down at the Saxon Arms afterwards!

Please contact Rob and Hannah on 01305 264511 for further details.

MEMBERS of the Ivy Club in Maiden Newton are reminded about the outing to Minehead on Tuesday, September 7.

Future events include afternoon tea in Maiden Newton Village Hall at 2pm on Saturday, September 11 and a half-day outing to Shaftesbury on Tuesday, September 21.

STRATTON Lunch Club will be holding its next lunch date on Wednesday, September 8 at Stratton Village Hall.

The cost is £4 for members. Please contact Anne on 01305 265895 to book.

Dorchester Classic Vehicle Club has a table-top sale on Saturday, September 11 in the Frampton Village Hall, 9.30am-4.30pm.

Free entry.

On Thursday, September 23 the Dorchester Classic Vehicle Club will be holding a club meeting in the Frampton Village Hall from 7.30pm with the Freewheelers Emergency motorcycle Service coming to do a talk.

All new members will be made very welcome.

A HARVEST Festival will take place at St Mary’s in Frampton at 10.30am on Sunday, September 12.

Everyone is welcome to this family friendly service.

Please bring your produce to decorate the church any time during Saturday, September 11 or to the service. There will be a sale of goods following the service.

All proceeds will go to ‘Send a Cow’ charity. For more information, please visit or see the display in the church. You could also contact Mandy on 01300 320402 or

As part of a rural community we are all aware of the benefits of using animal manure to improve impoverished soil, so the giving of cows to rural communities in Africa is a very good idea, providing families with fresh milk as well as vegetables. Please help to support this very worthwhile charity.

THE CHIMES Oil Group Syndicate (COGS) will be accepting their next order on Friday, September 17.

Please telephone on that date only for your oil requirements or email prior to that date. Please be accurate with the amount of oil to be delivered and remember that oil cannot be delivered in less than 500 litres quantity to any household. Ensure that all addresses, telephone numbers and emails are correct and that you are available for contacting on the Monday afternoons following the oil order date, so that you can be provided with the usual information for you to deal with payments. If you receive this information by email or answerphone, could you please confirm receipt of the message by email, text or phone. Oil is normally delivered within the next 10 working days. There is an annual charge of £10 to cover expenses. Unless this payment is made in advance, the oil order cannot be processed for this household. Cheques to be made payable to Mrs S-J Emm and sent to 6 Lym Close, Lyme Regis, Dorset DT7 3DE

Other contact details are telephone 01297 444347 and email Future dates for oil orders are Friday, September 17, Friday, October 29 and Friday, November 26.

STRATTON and Bradford Peverell WI’s next meeting will be on Thursday, September 16

The speaker will be Jennie Newman on the subject of Patagonia.

MAIDEN Newton Art Group’s autumn programme starts on Wednesday, September 15.

New members are always welcome, so do come along to Maiden Newton Village Hall. This friendly group meets at 2pm through to 4.30pm every Wednesday up to December 8.

For further details, please ring Cindy Chant (01300 321010) or Ann Smith (01300 320863)