A SCIENTIST who has been working with a Dorchester school was highly commended for a top award in London.

Dr Genoveva Esteban, a scientist from the University of London, beat 21,000 other nominees to be shortlisted for the national Most Dedicated Science, Technology, Engin-eering and Maths (STEM) Ambassador of the Year award.

She was nominated by the Thomas Hardye School for her work promoting science, technology, engineering and maths in the area.

Dr Esteban, who lives near Dorchester, was highly commended at the House of Lords at the annual STEMNET Awards ceremony hosted by Lord Oxburgh.

Writer, broadcaster and scientist Vivienne Parry and STEMNET chairman Professor Michael Stirling presented Dr Esteban with her certificate.

A spokesman for the Thomas Hardye School said: “Dr Esteban is an outstanding role model.

“The school is grateful to be one of the many beneficiaries of the high quality ambassadorial support she offers in bringing the hidden world of water biodiversity to life.”

Dr Esteban has been working with Thomas Hardye and other schools in the Dorchester area promoting her research interest in aquatic biodiversity.

She is a specialist in protists, which are unicellular organisms, and has provided activities at various events.

They included a recent Dorset Area Schools Partnership Saturday Science Fun day held at Dorchester Middle School.

Other events included a science skills challenge involving pond dipping for year eight pupils at Puddletown St Mary’s Middle School and a sixth form convention for potential biologists.

She was also involved in a Meet the Scientists and a practical session with protozoa and she hosted several schools at the East Stoke River Laboratory.