TRADERS have hailed the success of steam train specials for bringing hundreds of tourists to Weymouth.

The Weymouth and Portland chamber of commerce said that the trips have brought extra visitors and trade to the borough.

The steam specials have brought 400 daytrippers to the town at least once a week during the summer.

They have been organised by the Railway Touring Company of King’s Lynn and Steam Dreams, based at Guildford.

They included two 10-coach trains on Carnival Day with about 800 passengers.

Pubs, cafés, restaurants and takeaways have benefited from the extra trade brought to the town.

Chamber president Nigel Reed said: “The chamber always welcomes new initiatives that encourage visitors to the area.

“The steam trains provide an excellent opportunity for this, providing nostalgic memories for many, along with the added benefit of bringing people into town by train.”

Along with the 400 or so on each train, several hundred railway enthusiasts watch and photograph the historic steam locomotives at vantage points along the railway line.

The 5029 Nunney Castle from Bristol, the first Castle class locomotive to visit Weymouth since 1965, was a recent visitor.

The train was built for the Great Western Railway at Swindon in 1934.

WPCC Secretary Michel Hooper-Immins regularly photographs the steam engines in Weymouth for railway publications.

He said: “On the Alexander Bridge the other Sunday, I was talking to four chaps from Taunton who had come to Weymouth specially to see Nunney Castle.

“Their wives were spending the day in the town centre, touring the shops and having lunch.

“These trains are bringing very welcome trade to Weymouth, plus those who come specially to see them.”