RESIDENTS warned that someone could die unless action is taken about speeding at a Dorset accident black spot.

They told of their fears after a car came off the B3175 at Portesham and nearly smashed into the front wall of Portesham House, which once belonged to Admiral Hardy.

The near miss came just days after the wall had been rebuilt for the third time in just eight years after it was knocked down in May in a similar incident.

Peter Craggs, who owns the house, said: “The irony is that we had just finished building the wall on Friday.

“The saving grace was that the car hit the barriers that had been left there from the building work.

“This is a dangerous accident black spot and had the barriers not been there, they would have gone into the wall.

“Why isn’t the council doing something about it and taking it more seriously?”

Mr Craggs, 62, said that he would like to see a permanent barrier between the road and the pedestrian pathway and wall.

He said: “We’re just trying to get this sorted before someone gets killed.”

A spokesman for Dorset Police said that a black Volkswagen Golf was towed away from the scene at around 10am on August 23.

The B3157 has undergone renovations under a Road Safety Partnership Project, which aims to make the road safer by ‘de-cluttering’ road signs and repainting white lines.

But residents say that people are still speeding through the village and taking the corner by Portesham House too fast.

Parish councillor for the Chesil Bank area David Blackwell said: “Dorset County Council have made the road so straight and fast along there and there are accidents there all the time.

“The footpath along the road is used by people going to the village hall or the doctors’ surgery and it’s not going to be long before pedestrians will be caught up in this. There are lots of reasons why things need to be done but Dorset County Council don’t seem to be doing much about it.

“My worry is that some innocent soul is going to be injured.”

A spokesman for Dorset County Council said that the council would be reviewing the situation.

He said: “Members of the traffic management team have visited the site and spoken with residents.

“We will await the police report and look to see whether anything can be done to address residents’ concerns.”