ARSONISTS targeted a barn near Dorchester, destroying 30 tonnes of hay and straw in a late-night attack.

They set light to the building on farmland between Long Bredy and Littlebredy soon after 10pm on Monday.

Firefighters from Dorchester, Maiden Newton and Bridport were called to the blaze, which also threatened to destroy a further two barns nearby.

Police have appealed for witnesses and information about the attack.

Giles Maltby, whose family own the farmland and barn, was alerted by a neighbour.

He said: “It’s definitely arson.

“The hay and straw have been there for one or two years.

“It was very good, dry hay too and the price for hay is good this year. It’s just a hassle.

“We had wanted to cut the next door field but we will have to do it last now and we can’t store it in the barn now as it could set on fire.”

Mr Maltby said that he did not know how much the arson would have cost the farm but he said that he would be contacting his insurance company Firefighters battled to keep the nearby barns dampened down so that the blaze could not spread.

They wore breathing masks to work as the burning barn contained asbestos.

A fire crew from Charmouth arrived to dampen down the smoking remains of the barn as the fire burnt out overnight into Tuesday morning.

Watch manager John Stamp, station commander at Char-mouth fire station, said: “We have been damping down the fire and watching it.

“We believe that that fire was started deliberately and in another barn there were scorch marks on two bails. It’s possible the arsonists attempted to set those alight too.”

At noon yesterday, a Land Rover crew from Beaminster took over the operation from the Charmouth fire crew.

They continued to turn the smouldering remains over and let the fire burn itself out.

A fire service spokesman said: “We believe the cause of this incident to be deliberate.”

A Police spokesman added: “It was reported to us just after 10.05pm. It looks like the fire may have been started deliberately.

“We’re investigating and treating it as suspicious.

“We would appeal for any witnesses or anyone with information to contact us.”

Call the police on 01305 222222.