A busy couple of weeks coming up starting with September's PACT meeting at Bincombe Court on Wednesday 8th at 7.30pm.

Chaired by councillor Mark Tewkesbury with PCSO's and local housing officers in attendance. Any worries or concerns about the area you live in should be brought along to discuss.

  • On Saturday 11th at the community hall off Canberra Road Colin returns by popular demand with his disco.

If you fancy dancing the night away then that's where to go, from 8 til late.

  • The 11th is also a date to remember if you're one of the youngsters who took part in this summer's Space Hop challenge at the library.

That's the last date to complete your reading and return completed space challenge forms.

  • The most important date this month though, is the 18th when the LCAG hold their AGM at the community hall at 7pm.

This years committee have done a brilliant job to restore interest in community spirit with car boot sales, discos, talent nights, live music, Christmas parties and outing for the kids.

Under the current regulations half of the committee have to resign, but they can re-apply.

At the meeting the positions of Chairman, Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer and up to 10 committee members will be appointed.

Nominations must be made on the form available from Gil Paterson at 7 Bincombe Rise or from the community hall and returned to the secretary 24 hours before the meeting.

A reminder that this is a working committee and members must be prepared to attend the monthly meetings, take part in the running of the hall and become a trustee of this charity.

All people over 18 who reside between Goulds Garden centre and the Upwey railway bridge are members of the LCAG and can vote at the AGM.

All those wishing to vote must sign in at the hall at least 5 minutes before the meeting begins.

After the meeting there will be a Race Night, the details of which haven't reached me yet, if you want to know more about that, then check out the posters at the library or in the Littlemoor shops.

The recent generous Lottery funding for Littlemoor means that the LCAG want to generate more interest in events held at the hall.

They are always open to suggestions for events and are looking for people who'd like to help out. You don't have to become committee members to do this and there are so many ways your participation will help our community.

Despite rumours to the contrary, Littlemoor is a great place to live and the LCAG are trying their hardest to keep it that way.

  • Friday night Bingo sessions at the hall run fortnightly and now on the alternate Friday a social night is running which includes a short prize bingo session and then, darts, cards and games are made available for the rest of the evening. From 7pm til late.
  • The Summer Action Squad ran throughout the summer holidays, running trips for children between 8 and 11, and finished on the 27th August. Places like Longleat, Brownsea Island and Woodland Adventure were visited and proved very popular.

Hopefully the LCAG will be able to run something similar next year.

  • And finally a reminder to all Brownies out there that they start back on Friday 17th September at 5pm