PROUD parents David and Nadia Ryan have welcomed their third little girl into their family.

Grace Ryan was born at Dorset County Hospital, Dorchester earlier this month weighing 8lbs 9oz.

She is now living with her parents and older sisters Amelia, aged four, and Eve, aged one, at the family home in Knightsdale Road, Weymouth.

Business development manager David Ryan, 34, said: “I was a bit concerned that our first two would be a little bit jealous, but the biggest problem so far seems to be who can get the most cuddles in.

“I feel like our family’s complete now – we have three little girls and we’ll probably stop there. Grace is perfect – she sleeps all night and is very good.

“She lost a little bit of weight the first few days after coming back home but she’s back over her birth weight now.

“We knew we were having a girl. We had a scan but Grace had moved her foot in front of her face – so we recognised her first by her toes when she came out.

“It’s always a bit scary being a dad again but she’s lovely and I’m very proud of how Nadia’s been getting on.”

Full time mum Nadia, 33, added: “Everything’s going fine although sometimes I feel like I need more hands.

“Grace is getting on fine but we will certainly be stopping at our three little girls now – that’s plenty.”