Cerne Abbas

  • A HOME Safety and “Falls Prevention” event is being held in the Village Hall on Tuesday, September 14.

Please put this event in your diaries if this subject is of interest to you or you know someone who could benefit.

The event takes place from 10am – 12:30pm and will deal with living a safe, independent and fulfilled life.

Dorset Fire will be present, as well as the Police, The Dorset Falls Team, Dorset Energy Advice Centre and many more useful organisations.

This is an event not to be missed, providing lots of information in one place so spread the word!

Free refreshments and goodies will await you.

For more details on any of the above call 01305 224841.

  • FOOTBALL Club: As everyone who reads my column knows, this now thriving club is not only very good at football but also at fundraising!

The next quiz, which is sure to be as fun and entertaining as the last one, will be held on Sunday, September 12 in The Giant Inn.

The men’s team has been placed in Division 5 by the Dorset FA but showed their strength in two friendlies.

The youth team are in Division 2 this year and it is hoped that they will push hard this year and do very well.

More help with coaching, administrative work and general tasks is always welcome.

Equally, if you or your children are interested in playing contact Coach Andy Ross on 01300 341804.

  • YOUTH Club: The club re-starts again on Friday, September 10 in the Village Hall.

New members from the age of ten years are very welcome.

Session times are 6:45pm – 9pm, going on a little longer for the over 14’s.

Each club night costs a pound, a tuck shop is always present, so some spending money is ideal.

This term’s topic will be one that is always on the forefront of many agendas: Bullying.

Other session topics will include sexual health and education.

  • 94 Group: The next meeting will be on Thursday, September 9.

Nether Cerne resident and herbalist Eleanor Gallia will speak on “Herbal Medicine and Conservation”.

The talk will start at 7:30pm in the Village Hall, new members are welcome to join for a small fee at the door.

  • A BEER and Food Festival is soon to be held across the pubs in the village!

The first one of its kind it is taking place on Saturday, September 25 and will run from about midday to 8pm.

A selection of over twenty different beers and ciders will be available at all three pubs as well as food throughout the day.

This festival is suitable for all the family, many local food suppliers have agreed to display their delicacies and special edition T-Shirts will be waiting for anyone taking The Cerne Challenge!

  • THEATRE Club: The next visit takes place on Tuesday, October 12.

“The Madness of George II” will be seen at the Octagon in Yeovil The coach will leave The New Inn at 6pm for this evening performance.

The cost to non-members is £ 20 so if you are interested, don’t miss the delights of this performance, all to do with a nation at the mercy of one man’s mental health!

The following theatre visit will be on Thursday, November 11, this time to see the musical “Tell me on a Sunday”.

This is again an evening performance, the cost for non-members being £ 27.50.

Tickets for both the above events are now on sale at Cerne Abbas Stores, please leave an envelope containing your cheque with your details.

Both outings are bound to be hugely popular so early booking is recommended to avoid disappointment.

The next coffee morning will be held at The New Inn on Monday, September 13.

This is an ideal opportunity to get to know the club if you are considering becoming a member.

Do pop in, it starts at 10:30am.

Sydling St. Nicholas

SCOTTISH Country Dancing: The Sydling Scottish Country Dancing Group is starting its season again soon.

Participants meet every other Monday at 7:30pm in the Village Hall.

The first meet will be on Monday, September 20 and new members, including beginners, are welcome.

Please contact Clive and Lesley Horn on 01300 341996 or Moira Pinder on 01300 341225 for more information.

Transport may be available for those in need.