THE suggestion by James Creasy, (Your Say, August 11), that my ‘venom’ towards the police is because of a speeding ticket is untrue.

I’ve never picked up a speeding ticket since I passed my driving test 45 years ago.

On the contrary, my so-called ‘venom’ is directed at those who are ultimately responsible for current police activity on our streets.

Yes, the police are an ‘easy target’ and why shouldn’t they be?

We, as taxpayers, pay their salaries and provide all the expensive BMWs, etc, to enable many of them to carry out their respective duties.

Is Mr Creasy really suggesting that we just let them get on with it?

What we don’t need is more ‘bobbies’ in cars.

Everyone has to agree that putting more police personnel on the beat would prevent crime more effectively than dozens of ‘bobbies’ driving around in cars.

There would be far less ‘feral trash around today’ if more police patrolled on foot on a regular basis.

In cars, they merely whiz by usually unconcerned – I’ve seen them do it.

On foot, however, they are up front and personal with those people Mr Creasy refers to as ‘feral trash’ – a totally different scenario.

But one area where Mr Creasy is right is that, nowadays, the police have become puppets of the politicians and, over the past few decades, politicisation of the police force has occurred.

The role of the police has been changed from its original remit of patrolling the streets and protecting the general public, so politicians can go about their lawful business of using the police as a political football.

This is mainly to suppress any lawful dissent or lawful protest gathering, particularly if it challenges present-day political agendas.

Never mind the villains, just go after the law-abiding citizens.

They are easy targets, particularly on the roads.

Until the police force is taken away from central government control and administered by local communities, (perhaps with a FBI-type national task force), nothing will get better – it will get worse.

Priorities have to change away from politically-led policing to local-level community policing – simple and effective.

There is absolutely no need for a national police force to fritter away countless millions of pounds trying to find a better way to improve the service they render to us.

The answer is startlingly obvious – get them out of their cars and on to the beat!

It is thanks to a previous Labour government that the police spend far too much time filling out thousands of mind-numbing forms.

Lastly, if we got rid of all the political parties our political future would be in our hands and not those of party politicians.

Political futures will be in the hands of individual voters, not political parties with their own agendas.

Not only will this alternative solution get rid of ‘self-serving politicians’, it will also mean being able to bring the police force back into community control where it actually belongs.

DAVID HARRIS, Abbotsbury Road, Weymouth