A CHEERLEADING squad is appealing for a leg up from local businesses.

Members of Dorchester’s Distinction Cheer group are within a pom-pom’s reach of competing at national level but are desperate to find funds.

The squad of 22 – formed this year – need around £2,000 to buy uniforms, pay competition fees and arrange coach transport to the first competition, in Loughborough, next year.

Coach Charlotte Webster, 24, said: “I would be devastated if we couldn’t get to our first competition.

“A lot of hard work has gone into preparing for it. Their lifts have got a lot better and they’re now working on their shoulder stands.

“They’re happier with going up a lot higher and they now have more trust and confidence between them.”

The team has organised a fund- raiser at the Bulls Head in Fordington from 7.30pm on September 25.

Prizes will be raffled in an adults’ and children’s raffle and cheerleaders – many of whom have just taken up the sport – will be rewarded at an awards ceremony.

Charlotte said: “Some of the kids have really grown in confidence.

“Some of the ones who used to hide at the back are starting to come forward and they’ve even got used to putting cheesy grins on their face.”

The group is asking local businesses to donate gifts for the raffle or cash, or to sponsor the squad.

Dorchester resident Charlotte has enlisted the help of her mum to deliver letters to local businesses.

She said: “It’s a hard time to ask for sponsorship and donations, but all the parents want to see their children do themselves proud in the competition.

“Some of them are happy to buy the uniform themselves but everyone needs one so we look like a proper team and not everyone can afford it.”

More cheerleaders are needed for both Distinction Cheer’s older squad, who are aged 11 to 15, and the younger squad, aged seven to 12.

Try-outs for the older squad are on September 12 at the YMCA in Sawmills Lane between 2pm and 4pm.

It costs £6 and you are asked to wear suitable clothes and bring a drink.

Those aged seven to 12 can attend the 1pm to 2pm class, which costs £3.

Contact Charlotte through www.distinctiondancecompany.com