A SAILOR from Dorset is on duty in the Caribbean to provide humanitarian aid during hurricane season and to battle drug smugglers.

First Officer Kelly-Jane Taylor, 35, is the logistics officer on board the Royal Fleet Auxiliary (RFA) Wave Ruler.

She is one of only two women first officers in the RFA fleet.

Former Colfox pupil Kelly-Jane said: “We have been in Grand Cayman, loading disaster relief stores from the Red Cross, which consist of shelter kits for up to 2,000 families.

“We assisted the people of this island back in 2004 in the aftermath of Hurricane Ivan, and again in Cayman Brac after Hurrican Paloma in 2008.

“Whilst at sea, the ship conducts maritime patrols working with various agencies and nations particularly aimed at countering drug trafficking in the Caribbean region.”

She added: “Wave Ruler is well placed to provide first aid humanitarian and technical assistance, using our well-trained crew.

“We have an extensive range of disaster relief stores and on-board logistics capable of providing food, water and shelter.

“It’s hard work and not at all like anyone’s idea of a Caribbean cruise, but I really enjoy my job and seeing the varying cultures around the world.”

Wave Ruler is an oil and stores replenishment vessel capable of carrying nearly 17,000 tonnes of fuel and 915 tonnes of dry goods.

Kelly-Jane has been in the RFA for 12 years and her role includes managing personnel, catering and stores, plus much of the ship’s external administration, dealing with outside authorities while on deployment.

She has previously served on operations in the former Yugoslavia and Iraq, though she has also visited the Falklands, Africa and the Middle East.

RFA Wave Ruler has a crew of 80 and in recent years has seized about 11 tonnes of drugs during counter-narcotic boarding operations in the Caribbean area.