GOVERNMENT inspectors have told a Portland nursery it has to improve its literacy programme.

Sunbeams, the island’s private all-day nursery, was also told by Ofsted inspectors that it needs to work on its children’s cultural learning and ensure access to drinking water.

The nursery was given an overall grade of ‘satisfactory’, which means the aspect of the provision is ‘sound’.

According to the report, the nursery must ‘keep a written record of their complaints’. It also said that the nursery should ‘develop further how children can learn about the wider world and the cultures and beliefs of others’ and ‘develop further the programme for the children’s literacy’.

Inspectors added that the Southwell-based nursery must ‘ensure fresh drinking water is available at all times.’ The report also outlined its main strengths which were safety, outside play and learning.

It stated that ‘many good practices are followed effectively’ and children get ‘positive support and feedback’ and are made to feel ‘extremely welcome’.

Inspectors noted that children were ‘happy and confident’ and their learning and welfare needs were ‘well met’.

The report concluded: “There are some very nice ideas and activities at the nursery.”

Nursery manager Cheyenne Thomson, said: “I am so proud of the staff. They were complimented for many things including our welfare and overall standards of care.

“With the literacy programme we are upgrading our pre-school room and hoping to make connections with more local people so that children have a greater exposure of the wider world to improve on the children’s cultural learning and we have already completed the record of complaints.”