PLANS to build seven new flats in Carlton Road North, Weymouth have been rejected by councillors.

Arc Developments South West had applied to demolish the existing White Cottage dwelling and build the flats with on site parking.

But members of Weymouth and Portland Borough Council’s planning and traffic committee agreed with officers’ views that this would be an ‘unacceptable over-development’.

An officer’s report said the site is near the ‘imposing’ five-storey former Sacred Heart convent building in the same street.

It added: “The site is within the Lodmoor Hill conservation area which is characterised by red brick, late Victorian style dwellings.

“However there are examples of more modern development in the road and surrounding area.

“The proposal is to demolish the existing building and replace with a building containing seven flats.

“The proposal would provide affordable housing as the applicants work closely with Knightstone Housing who own and manage the former convent building.”

Officers recommended refusing permission, stating that the proposed development ‘constitutes an unacceptable overdevelopment of this prominent site in the conservation area as the form and height of the development, in particular the massing of the rear section of the proposal, is inappropriate given the scale of the other buildings in the locality’.

Committee chairman Coun Peter Farrell said: “If you were a near neighbour of this, you would think it was horrendous.”

Councillors voted unanimously to reject the scheme.