It was interesting to read Raymond Mitchell’s warning to West Dorset District Council not to embark on a spending spree for town centre offices (Your Say, August 23).

I have been advocating for some time now the virtues of single-tier local government.

Now is the time for action.

We, the electors must now take stock of the value of our elected representatives on all councils and of all political persuasions.

Those that only pay lip service to those supporting single-tier local government should not be supported in any of the future local elections.

People power can work when united under a single theme, especially in reducing the costs involved in local government.

If your local councillors do not support your views do not re-elect them.

Start now – get them to act in reducing this enormous burden of costs for local administration.

It is no good leaving it; get started now. Let us all work at it.

Bring our views to the attention of those in positions of influence.

Please stop this farce from getting worse.

Don’t complain after the elections. Make your councillors prove their worth.

Colin Lucas Dorchester